As part of our sustainability commitments under the pillar of Packaging, Bimeda commits to proactively seeking opportunities to eliminate non value-add packaging components and to move to sustainable alternatives for existing product packaging.

With this in mind, in 2024, Bimeda Europe undertook a project to reduce the packaging footprint of its ivermectin pour-on products, Bimectin Pour On (France), Bimamec (UK) and Bovimec (Ireland).

Previously, the ivermectin pour-on packaging consisted of a printed outer carton, an insert, and a label. Through this initiative, both the carton and insert were identified as non-value add items and were removed.

pkg bimectin 1
Before: product packaging consisted of bottle, insert, branded carton
pkg arrow
pkg bimectin 2
After: packaging has been reduced through the removal of the carton and insert