An End To Paper-Based Customer Invoicing

Project Willow
Employees in the Customer Service department led the E-documents projectIn line with our culture of innovation and continuous improvement, all employees at Bimeda are empowered and encouraged to look for ever-better ways of working. This includes identifying areas of waste within the business and proposing ideas to address waste reduction.
With this in mind, the customer service team in Ireland developed a proposal to significantly reduce paper usage within their department. The team identified that through the posting of physical invoices, copy invoices and statements, they were printing over 17,000 paper customer documents, and using over 17,000 envelopes per year.
The group realised that there was an opportunity to work in a smarter and more sustainable way. A project team was created to look at how we could still provide customers with the important documentation they need, without using thousands of pieces of paper and thousands of envelopes each year. Working together with our online services provider, the customer services department developed and implemented a system which replaced all paper-based invoicing and statements with digital documents.
Previously paper printed invoices and statements are now routed to an e-Documents server, where they produce pdf documents, which are then emailed to customers. E-Documents are also automatically archived, saving further paper.